Tuesday, November 08, 2011

And it begins.

It’s with excitement and trepidation that I announce my intention to complete a ministry traineeship, beginning 2012.

Although I’ve been going to church all my life, I acknowledged Jesus’ work as saviour and right as Lord when I was 17 - ten years ago. Since then I have been slowly growing in love for God, his church and his world, and feel impressed to explore ministry as a full time occupation.

Since completing my maths degree in 2006, I’ve been working in transport modelling in Brisbane. I married Bronwyn in 2008 and we’ve been serving at Unichurch in music leading, bible study leading and meeting up with people. I’ve also had opportunities to organise various meetings and recently to preach at our evening congregation.

The opportunity on offer is the Ministry Training Strategy (MTS): a two year, full-time, on-the-job ministry experience. Bron and I were both offered this opportunity, and we decided to stagger our starts. Bron started at the beginning of the year; I, God willing, start this coming January. My primary area of ministry will be uni-age and young working men.

Ministry has been on my heart for some time, and I am truly thankful for all the people in my life who have both encouraged and put up with me in the last 10 years. In one sense this new step will be no different, and I ask for your encouragement and prayers as I prepare for this role.

I'll be updating this blog with posts and video of my thoughts, struggles and other stuff. Let me know how you’d like to keep up-to-date as the traineeship progresses. It would be great to get your feedback as to the way that is most beneficial for you.

I thank God and you all for the support that’s brought me this far, and I look forward to the years ahead.

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