Sunday, July 15, 2012

The privilege of great teaching

Last Thursday night a whole bunch of Christians, approximately 1,300, gathered together in the Sleeman Theatre for a very special event. There was a band, who played some nice songs; there were people who led us in prayer for ourselves and our world; but the real reason that we had all gathered was to hear the words of a very special guest: the apostle John.

What a privilege. John lived 2,000 years ago and was one of the few people on earth who got to see Jesus while he was physically on earth. More than that, he was invited by Jesus to be one of the twelve closest followers of Jesus. He would have experienced Jesus' teaching, miracles and compassion, as well as witnessing Jesus death and resurrection. More than that, when John was a prisoner on an Island called Patmos, he received a direct revelation from Jesus, to encourage the church in unity and resilience in the face of the persecution they were bearing under.

It was an absolute thrill to be "in the presence", as it were, of such a special and important figure of Christianity, as his words were read out and explained for the 1,300+ people gathered. I pray that we continue to meet large gatherings every so often, excited, ultimately, to hear what God is saying, encouraged in resilience and unity in him, and being willing to believe and act accordingly.

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